Theory of Counseling

CBA - Cognition, Behavior, Affect
C - Cognition or Thoughts
B - Behavior
A - Affect as a definition is touch the feelings(someone) or move
It is also known as CBT Theory - Our thoughts(C), behavior(B), and emotions(A)are connected to each other. The way we think affects our behavior and emotions (
We also use conscious discipline(conscious discipline) to help drive our counseling because it is backed by CASEL(casel) and is a trauma-informed approach.

For example : What happens when Automatic 
Negative Thoughts (ANTS) invade our brains:
C - Thoughts - “I’m stupid”
B -  Behavior- Yell at Friends
A - Mad or Sad
Negative thoughts can make negative feelings
Negative feelings make negative behaviors
Negative behaviors make negative thoughts​​
So, we need to start with automatic positive self-talk.  I didn't get it this time but I will still try.​

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​​​Belief: Brookland school counselors believe the following about students, counselors, and the counseling program:
All students have value and deserve to be treated with respect.
All students can be challenged to develop their full potential.
All students are encouraged to develop resiliency in all aspects of their lives.
All students will be encouraged to foster necessary skills in their personal, social, academic and career paths.
All students have the right to make choices and accept responsibility for choices made.
All students can expect that school is a safe and nurturing environment.
​Guided by the Ethical Standards of the American School Counseling Association (ASCA).
Engaged in professional development programs that are essential to maintaining a quality comprehensive counseling program.
Licensed certified school counselors are uniquely trained to deliver services and programs in the areas of academic, personal/social and career domains.
Uniquely qualified to address the needs of all students in the school setting.
Counseling Plan
​Must be an integral part of the total educational process of the Brookland School District.
Is student centered and is responsive to the changing needs of our school and community.
Uses a team approach to help build positive school environments by encouraging collaboration among counselors, teachers, administrators, families and the community to further student achievement.
Is continually refined and improved through systematic review and evaluation.
Considers students’ ethnic, cultural, racial and gender differences, as well as their exceptional needs in the design and delivery of counseling services.
Our program is responsive to the diverse needs of all students.